Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Happy Strove Tuesday

Ploughman's Pancake
Ploughman's pancakes Image:Zest magazine

How did you celebrate your Shrove tuesday?

Like most people I made pancakes,but instead of making them just for today I also made a few for yesterday.

Yesterday's pancakes where adapted from a Ploughmans recipe I found online (shown in the picture above)

Cheese and Onion pancakes topped with ham,
cheese and tomatoe = Ploughman's pancakes - the lettuce
(and my favourite part of a ploughman's,branston pickle)

Today's pancakes were of the sweet variety:

Equipment: Mini frying pan

Perfect combo for the perfect pancake (sorry about the mess!)

A batch of pancakes with some fruit and nuts

Lemon,golden syrup, This was my favourite from all the pancakes I had.

If you want to make savoury or sweet pancakes with everyday household produce, follow the recipe which I adapted from Zest Magazine :

Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking Time: 20 minutes
Serves 4
1 tbsp oil
1 onion, finely chopped (savoury pancake only)
100g plain flour
pinch of salt
4tps Caster Sugar (sweet pancake only)
2 large British Lion eggs
200ml milk mixed with 4 tbsp water
2 tbsp butter, melted
50g cheddar cheese, grated (savoury pancake only)

Topping ingredients:
Savoury Pancake-
honey roasted or smoked ham slices in pieces
50g cheddar cheese, shaved
tomatoes, roasted

Sweet Pancake-
Syrup (Maple or Golden) or Honey (any variety)
Choose from an array of fruit including Bananas,Strawberries and Blueberrys

  1. Heat the oil and fry the onions for 5 minutes until they begin to soften (if you are making sweet pancakes go straight to step 2)
  2. Sift the dry ingredients into a large mixing bowl. Make a well in the middle of the flour and add the eggs with half the milk and water. Whisk until the mixture is lump free. Add the remaining milk and whisk again until smooth. Add the melted butter. Pour the batter into a jug.
  3. Heat a 20cm diameter non-stick frying pan until hot, drizzle a little oil over the centre and wipe it around with a piece of kitchen paper. Now pour a little of the batter into the pan and immediately tilt the pan to spread the batter thinly and evenly over the base. Sprinkle over some of the fried onion and cheese (only if attempting the savoury recipe). Cook for 2 minutes or until the top is set and the base golden. Turn the pancake over with a spatula. Repeat until all the pancake batter,  has been used.
  4. Serve the pancakes, folded and topped with a)shredded ham and shaved cheese alongside  roasted tomatoes or b)with an array fruit and nuts with syrup or honey.I used sultanas,bananas and mixed nuts.

What pancakes do you prefer sweet or savoury?

Rihanna ft Chris Brown - Birthday Cake remix

I always wondered why the original version was so short !

Nonetheless this is an improved version. Yet I do admit that I was slightly shocked to hear Chris on the remix. As the lyrical content exchanged between the two is in fact quite raunchy but this is probably due to the fact that the remix is an extension of the original version (and not that Chris & Rihanna are back together).

I can't wait to see the video ! What's your opinion on this collaboration?

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Baby Blue Ivy Carter

Beyoncé Holding Baby Blue
Aww,Mother (Beyonce) and daughter (Blue Ivy)

The pictures are finally out after a month of silence the world's most 'controversal' celebrity baby, Blue Ivy Carter is visible for all of us to see via her blog.

Friday, 10 February 2012

Models Own - Freshen Up Collection

After the weather we had this week,you wouldn't be surprised to hear that I was beside myself in excitement when I saw Models Own Facebook status today.

Yes,I got excited over a new nail varnish collection.Well it is a really pretty collection.

The 'Freshen Up' collection is full of beautiful and soft spring colours (think greens,oranges,nudes and pinks) to cheer us up.

Each shade is priced at £5 and the entire collection (all 5 colours) can be purchased for £18 on the Models Own website.

 Left to right: Edamame,Naked Shimmer,Soda Pop Pink,Peaches & Cream and Bare Beauty

Saturday, 4 February 2012

My best picks of 2011- Part Four ( advertisement's)


I personally love, I mean ♥ 'ad's' and 2011 had some great campaigns such as my two favourites:

 My favourite campaign of all time has to be the 'Boots here come the girls campaign',as shown below.I like the fact that
1.I can relate to the women shown within the ad's
2. The fact they are hilarious does help to seal the deal
3. I love the Christmas advert (below)

Yeo Valley
I'll never forgot the day that autumn in 2010, when I first saw the Yeo Valley Rap during the X Factor ad break, fast forward a year and Yeo Valley have done it again with The Churned 'Forever' campaign.

My best picks of 2011- Part Three (Food & Weight Loss)


I love food and 2011 was the year I actually realised I like food just a bit more than your average folk. Last year I particularly enjoyed:
Chicken Pho

A tasty chicken broth with vegetables and chilli (optional) Image: Steamy kitchen
I have only tasted the EAT version of this Vietnamese classic,which is fantastic but I do intend to sample a traditional Chicken Pho in the near future.

Starbucks Crème Brûlée Macchiato

I also love drinks such as cold beverages,hot beverages,alcoholic beverages just drinks in general. As a avid coffee drinker I stumbled in Starbucks in September to see the advertisement below:
Another promotional beverage from Starbucks,
that should be on it's permanent menu. Image:Starbucks
I made a purchase and then continued to make the same purchase 5 times a week for the next two months until the arrival of the 'red cups'.I have never craved a drink as much as I craved the Crème Brûlée Macchiato,its sweet with a nutty alcoholic taste.
A Grande Skinny Crème Brûlée,yum yum!


In January 2010 I was 10 st 4lbs my usual weight which is a good for my height (5 ft 8 ish), but by January 2011 I had put on 2 stone 3lbs just from complacency . I planned to lose the weight within three months (funny I know) but of course that was just another case of wishful thinking and another pointless news years resolution.

May 2011 (11 st 8 lbs)

I joined a gym,I fell in love with Body Pump and RPM (similar to Spin) classes,whilst also losing a stone in two months.I must add that I can't do diets,so I decided to follow the 80/20 rule (80% healthy,20% 'unhealthy'), well mine was more 40/60 at times but it still worked.

I loved Spinning Classes ! Image: That's Fit
I later found my fitness DVD's to be just as effective. So I continued to work out with Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD (£4.99 Amazon),which contains 3 intensive 20 minute workouts.You begin at Level 1,then you progress way onto Level 3.I really enjoy working out to this format,as there are also modifications for beginners and an advanced version for gym bunnies. I would personally recommend this DVD to anybody, but take my word for it have a look at the reviews online,but remember that it is must be a best seller for a reason.

I have now moved on to .'Ripped in 30' (£9.99 Amazon) and Tracey Anderson's (Gywneth Paltrow's trainer) Mat Workout (£6.09 Amazon) which are both 'crazy' but doable.
If you think Davina is good,you need to invest in Jillian,
she used to be a trainer in 'The Biggest Loser USA'

I have now lost 1 stone 9lbs to date (yay), I am now back to my usual size which is a UK 8/10 for tops & dresses and UK 10/12 for skirts and trousers.I think that was the only resolution I stuck to last year,which is why I have no new years resolutions this year.

My best picks of 2011- Part Two ( Random pictures ! )


Last year I developed a knack of photographing nature!

I know,strange but true.

This is partly due to the influence of a couple of my friends who like take a snap of just about anything froms birds to the skyline.

Below you can find some my 'nature' pictures :

Palm trees in London ! (Cremorne Gardens,Chelsea) 

View of the Thames from Cremorne Gardens (Chelsea,London)

The Houseboats on Cheyne Walk riverside (Chelsea)

Swans in Kensington Park Gardens (Hyde Park ) 

My view of London Heliport (Battersea) from across the river in
Imperial Wharf Gardens riverside (Fulham,London)

Torrential rain (in May) in Shepards Bush,
whilst on my way to Wesfield London

Friday, 3 February 2012

My best picks of 2011- Part One (Fashion and accessories)


This is a pretty leopard don't you think ? Image: National Geographic
Well technically I'm a animal print addict !

I have a wide collection of animal print items which include:
 *a laundry bin*  *a furry cheetah print seat cover* *snakeskin print earrings* * a leopard print furry hat*, *tiger print ballet style pumps* *zebra printed harem pants* ..... amongst other items.

All in all my favourite type of animal print is of the cheetah and leopard varieties. Examples of which can be seen below:

Sunglasses - H &M
Dress - Warehouse
Leopard print headband with bow -New Look
Leopard print Mac - Miss Selfridge
Leopard print Scarf - Warehouse
Umbrella - Blanco


£45 Miss KG shoes at Debenhams Westfield London

Accessorize had a £3 belt sale,I bought 7 belts.
This is my favourite as I have never had anything like it before.

I stumbled in the smaller Boots on Kings Road,Chelsea on a rainy day to
find Benefit Bad Gal Eyeliner for £5.Thank god for the rain:-)

Purse - £12 Cath Kidson

 I really love it,it's so spacious and brings a smile to my face every time
I take a glace at it.Stars also convey a happy image within my brain
for some strange reason,especially if they are brightly coloured so I think this one is a keeper.

December 2011 beauty buys - Paks

London's hidden beauty haven. Image:Paks Comestics
Just before my trip to Illamasaqua, I travelled up to Finsbury Park in North London to stock up on some hair and beauty products in Paks.

Paks is widely known for it's wide choice of high quality yet affordable hair extensions including those suitable for European hair.Yet Pak's is less known for it's selection of beauty products.

Here are some of my purchases from my visit:

Yes,they really where 99p... was this one..
..and this one.What a bargain !!
Three different looks for under £3.00.

I also purchased the 'The Original Divine Eyeshadow 'palette from Sleek - £5.99

It's shame that I haven't seen this item since the News Year's weekend,
as the colour's are so pretty :-(.

L.A.Color Mineral Brush £1.99

Unfortunately,with the addition of artificial lighting
the product appears in a lighter form than it appear within a natural setting.The finish is similar to the colour shown in the previous photo.

I think I did well for a quick stock up,do you agree ?

December 2011 Beauty buys - Illamasqua

Back in December I ventured down to the Illamasqua's Beak Street store (just off Carnaby Street in London), to stock up on some goodies and here is what I found :

What is in this bag ?

Well... Cream eye shadow £10 in Superior (sale), Freak perfume sample and False Eyelashes £5 (sale).

I have to yet sample these beautiful green feather style lashes.

I love the texture of the eyeshadow,plus its reminds of  'MAC Contrast'
but with cream texture. So it is a welcome addition to my make- up bag....

 Eye Shadow
..but I am yet to find a dupe for the eyeshadow shown above.
So don't worry MAC Deep Truth Eyeshadow you will always be my favourite !
image: MAC

Flashing lights

Well their not quite flashing,but they are a random display of  the best Christmas decoration West London had to offer (minus Oxford and Regent Street).

Only in Chelsea can you get away with having a mini funfair and giant balls as Christmas decorations.

The entrance of the Design Centre,Chelsea Harbour

Sloane Square

Coke Cola truck parked outside of Westfield London

It's so Christmasy

I also found this outside of Westfield London