I hope you are all well.Well I'm not,I have an infection of the larynx (voice box),yeah I know lucky me,:(.
Well it is that of the year,isn't it.
So I can't speak,so I thought I'd write a lot instead.I have introduced a new monthly feature to BttB,it is called Magazine of the Month aka MM.This month's MM is:
Currently £2 at Tesco,instead of the RRP of £3.50,so SNAP ONE UP NOW |
The magazine has an interview featuring covergirl Rihanna amongst others,as well as great lifestyle, fashion,beauty and design features.I LOVE MAGAZINES.I buy no less than a couple,every month.
For the past few months a new magazine has been in my pile each month and that is
Marie Clare, because it has everything,it's not too serious but not too frivolous (its more fun then frivolous).
I don't appreciate,that I didn't appreciate this magazine until I was 24,because it is great as it is made for all women in mind.On the other hand I'm not sure if a lot of under 21's would agree though.
It's the type of mag that you will flick through,read the stories and features but not necessarily at the same time,which is why I like it.
It also comes with a FREE bracelet from Ethical Retailer Made.Which looks like this: